Contoh Mail Merge

Automobile Company
No 11, Harrison Road,
Jalan Selama,


«First_Name» «Last_Name»
«Address_Line_1», «Address_Line_2»,
«ZIP_Code» «City», «State»,
«Country_or_Region» .                                 04 February 2016

Dear «First_Name»,

I would like to introduce our company, Automobile Company, which has been in the business of automobiles for past 10 years. We own 20 offices worldwide and 30 in Malaysia and our sales in the month of January is «Amounts_of_sales_in_January» cars.

Our company specializes in selling cars as well as providing the repair services. There is a professional team of engineers and car technology professionals working in our company. During our existence in a market we didn’t receive any negative feedback from our customers.

I kindly ask you to arrange the personal meeting with you and in order to further describe the services of our company and the value you get from our cooperation. Please, inform me whether it is convenient for you if I visit you by this end of this week.

I will be looking forward to the meeting and hope for our future cooperation.

Theventher a/l Sunadararaji

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