Write HTML Using Notepad or TextEdit

Step 1: Open Notepad (PC)
Windows 8 or later:

Open the Start Screen (the window symbol at the bottom left on your screen). Type Notepad.

Windows 7 or earlier:

Open Start > Programs > Accessories > Notepad

Step 2: Write Some HTML
Write or copy some HTML into Notepad.

Step 3: Save the HTML Page
Save the file on your computer. Select File > Save as in the Notepad menu.

Name the file "index.htm" and set the encoding to UTF-8 (which is the preferred encoding for HTML files).

Step 4: View the HTML Page in Your Browser
Open the saved HTML file in your favorite browser (double click on the file, or right-click - and choose "Open with").

The result will look much like this:

My dream to become A Chartered Accountant

I have wanted to become a Chartered Accountant for long time even from my school life, it is my utmost wish to become a chartered accountant and to establish my own auditing and business consultancy firm.

During my school life I heard many success stories of the chartered accountants when I listen about the success stories from my teachers and friends it motivate me to study chartered accountancy. The selection of Commerce/Accountancy major in intermediate studies after passing matriculation in accounting is the first step of the path for the accomplishment of this dream.
I initially start planning to start chartered accountancy after completing my intermediate studies but due to financial problem I was not able to start chartered accountancy study after my intermediate studies. Therefore, I change my planning and decided to first study Bachelor of Commerce and then start chartered accountancy keeping in view that the bachelor’s study will expand my knowledge related to accountancy and auditing and I would be able to perform well in the chartered accountancy studies. Although I’m not quite sure that the studying Bachelor of Commerce after Intermediate studies is a good decision or not but I gain very valuable knowledge and experiences during my university life. I also received some critics and some motivational comments from my friends and teachers, for a while I change my mind after receiving suggestions from my friend and teacher that the chartered accountancy take long span of time which consists of 5 to 6 years. One day I meet with the representative of Institute of Chartered Accountant of Pakistan (ICAP) and some students who are studying chartered accountancy in an education expo, they gave very motivational remarks and also gave me valuable suggestions regarding the chartered accountancy.

In order to achieve this goal the following task should be accomplished first:

  • First gaining 13 course exemptions out of 21 courses after completing graduation

  • Obtain an article-ship (practical training) contract from a well reputed auditing & consultancy firm e.g. PWC, KPMG, Deloitte etc. for 3 years.
  • Start taking coaching for remaining 8 courses and passed all of them and complete the 3 years articleship in order to get chartered accountant membership of ICAP.

After achieving all the three task I would become Chartered Accountant and become a member of ICAP and have the legal right to carried on auditing services in Pakistan and could be called as a legal auditor.

My next step after gaining ICAP membership to establish my own auditing and business consultancy firm.

Basic tasks for an Access desktop database

Access desktop databases can help you store and track just about any kind of information, such as inventory, contacts, or business processes. Let’s take a walk through the paths you can take to create an Access desktop database, add data to it, and then learn about next steps towards customizing and using your new database.

Choose a template

Access templates have built-in tables, queries, forms, and reports that are ready to use. A choice of templates is the first thing you’ll notice when you start Access, and you can search online for more templates.

In Access click File > New.

Select a desktop database template and enter a name for your database under File Name. (If you don’t see a template that would work for you, use the Search online templatesbox.)

You can either use the default location that Access shows below the File Name box or click the folder icon to pick one.

Click Create.

Depending on the template, you might need to do any of the following to get started:

If Access displays a Login dialog box with an empty list of users:

Click New User.

Fill in the User Details form.

Click Save & Close.

Select the user name you just entered, and then click Login.

If Access displays a Security Warning message in the message bar, and you trust the source of the template, click Enable Content. If the database requires a login, log in again.

Create a database from scratch

If none of the templates fit your needs, you might start with a blank desktop database.

From Access, click New > Blank desktop database.

Type a name for your database in the File Name box.

You can either use the default location that Access shows below the File Name box or click the folder icon to pick one.

Click Create.

Add a table

In a database, your information is stored in multiple related tables. To create a table:

When you open your database for the first time, you’ll see a blank table in Datasheet view where you can add data. To add another table, click the Create tab > Table. You can either start entering data in the empty field (cell) or paste data from another source like an Excel workbook.

To rename a column (field), double-click the column heading, and then type the new name.

Click File > Save.

To add more fields, type in the Click to Add column.

To move a column, select it by clicking its column heading, and then drag it to where you want it. You can also select contiguous columns and drag them all to a new location.

Copy and paste data

You can copy and paste data from another program like Excel or Word into an Access table. This works best if the data is separated into columns. If the data is in a word processing program, such as Word, either use tags to separate the columns or convert into a table format before copying.

If the data needs editing, such as separating full names into first and last names, do that first in the source program.

Open the source and copy (Ctrl + C) the data.

Open the Access table where you want to add the data in Datasheet view and paste it (Ctrl + V).

Double-click each column heading and type a meaningful name.

Click File > Save and give your new table a name.

NOTE:  Access sets the data type of each field based on the information you paste into the first row of each column, so make sure that the information in the following rows match the first row.

Import or link to data

You can either import data from other sources, or you can link to the data from Access without moving the information from where it is stored. Linking can be a good option if you have multiple users updating the data and you want to make sure that you are seeing the latest version or if you want to save storage space. You can choose whether you want to link to or import data for most formats.

The process differs slightly depending on the data source, but these instructions will get you started:

On the External Data tab, click the data format you’ll be importing from or linking to. If you don't see the right format, click More.

NOTE:  If you still can't find the right format, you might need to export the data first to a file format that Access supports (such as a delimited text file).

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is the most popular word processor both in the past and in the present , It remains to be the top choice among the different word processors available , It is an indispensable tool for most computer users , You can create the documents and complete a number of other functions related to word processing .

Microsoft Word processing has improved and it made the work of typing definitely faster and convenient , It is one of the most used aspects of information technology , The people of most ages from the young grade school student to the elder grandmother could have encountered the need for word processing .

Advantages of Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a great tool as typing is faster than ever , It is easy to correct the mistakes by just hitting the backspace or delete button , There are the templates for any type of document and mail merge from a database so that you can easily send out the letters to multiple people at a time .

You can align the text whether at the center , right or left margins or justified takes just one click ,  spelling and grammatical mistakes are pointed out instantly , You can correct any mistakes which are made easily , The bullets and numbers are done automatically and there is always an option to ask for help .

You can use the thesaurus feature when your words run out , The images and the figures can be attached and laid out easily , Copying the documents is fast and easy , Copies can easily be made which saves on printing and it is much easier to do ,  Microsoft Word can save multiple versions of documents and easily sort them so that you can go back to the previous versions of the same document   .

Microsoft Word is available practically everywhere , It comes standard on many PCs , You can typically find it on your work computer , The computers at school and your home PC , This makes it easy to save the documents on a flash drive , take them with you and work on them somewhere else , If you need to do some work , you can usually find a computer with Microsoft Word on it .

Microsoft Word lets you create the simple word processing documents like the letters and the reports , You can add color , You can use clip art , You can write in a variety of fonts and sizes , You can use the tables , the borders & the bullet formatting ,  You can format the text & the general page layout so that you can make the page look more appealing or easier to read .

Microsoft Word offers the templates to help you create numerous other documents such as the calendars and greeting cards , You can  save the documents in a variety of formats , including a Web page .

Microsoft Word can easily integrate with other Microsoft Office programs , If you have a spreadsheet that you created on Microsoft Excel , you can easily paste it into a Word document , You can work with the programs such as PowerPoint , This makes it possible to complete a wide array of computing tasks without having to spend time converting the documents or the files so that they are usable on other programs .

Microsoft Word offers an easy to use navigation pane at the top ,  So , You can see the visual representations of many of functions that you might need , You can simply hold your mouse cursor over an icon to see exactly what it does , Then you can click on the buttons to initiate certain functions and tasks , Instead of having to scroll through multiple menus to find something , You can usually find what you need on the pane .

While you are creating a document , Microsoft Word helps you make sure that it is the best it can be , When you misspell a word , Microsoft Word will underline it , You can click on the word and get suggested spellings , If you type a sentence that has poor grammar , It will underline the sentence for you and you can change the document while you are still working on it .

Kerjasama atau kooperasi merujuk pada amalan seseorang atau kumpulan yang lebih besar yang bekerja di khayalak dengan tujuan atau kemungkinan kaedah yang diluluskan bersama secara umum, alih-alih bekerja secara berasingan dalam persaingan .

Kerja sama boleh pelbagai ranah perniagaan, pertanian, dan syarikat boleh diwujudkan dalam bentuk

Kerja sama umumnya termasuk paradigma yang bertentangan dengan pertandingan. Banyak orang yang menyokong kerja sama sebagai bentuk yang sesuai untuk pengurusan urusan individu.

Contoh Mail Merge

Automobile Company
No 11, Harrison Road,
Jalan Selama,


«First_Name» «Last_Name»
«Address_Line_1», «Address_Line_2»,
«ZIP_Code» «City», «State»,
«Country_or_Region» .                                 04 February 2016

Dear «First_Name»,

I would like to introduce our company, Automobile Company, which has been in the business of automobiles for past 10 years. We own 20 offices worldwide and 30 in Malaysia and our sales in the month of January is «Amounts_of_sales_in_January» cars.

Our company specializes in selling cars as well as providing the repair services. There is a professional team of engineers and car technology professionals working in our company. During our existence in a market we didn’t receive any negative feedback from our customers.

I kindly ask you to arrange the personal meeting with you and in order to further describe the services of our company and the value you get from our cooperation. Please, inform me whether it is convenient for you if I visit you by this end of this week.

I will be looking forward to the meeting and hope for our future cooperation.

Theventher a/l Sunadararaji

Kepentingan Bahasa Kebangsaan

Dalam kerancakan penduduk jagat raya menari-nari bersama bayang-bayang pemodenan, kerajaan yang diumpamakan sebagai jantung negara mestilah menjalankan langkah proaktif bagi mengatasi setiap kemelut yang melanda negara kita. Seperti yang kita ketahui, slogan ‘Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa’ acap kali di wara-warakan di dada-dada akhbar, di corong-corong radio dan televisyen serta galakan daripada tokoh-tokoh terkemuka di negara kita sendiri. Namun begitu, masih ada lagi insan yang tidak menghargai bahasa kebangsaan sebaliknya mengagung-agungkan bahasa-bahasa lain terutama bahasa Inggeris dan sebagainya. Lantaran itu, setiap individu tidak sewajarnya memandang enteng terhadap perkara ini. Setiap pihak harus menggembleng tenaga dalam memartabatkan bahasa kebangsaan supaya bumi emas Malaysia dapat ‘duduk sama rendah, berdiri sama tinggi’ setaraf dengan negara-negara membangun yang lain. Bahasa kebangsaan mempunyai pelbagai kepentingan terutamanya kepada masyarakat pelbagai kaum, yang berbumbungkan langit yang sama, dan bertanahkan bumi Malaysia yang dahulunya dikenali sebagai Tanah Melayu. 

Pada zaman milenium ini, bahasa sudah biasa dijadikan sebagai cerucuk utama dalam melambangkan sesuatu bangsa dan negara. Bahasa merupakan satu simbolik perdana perdana dalam menentukan martabat bangsa dan negara. Bahasa kebangsaan iaitu bahasa Melayu dapat mengharumkan nama negara di seantero jagat ini. Sebagai contoh, ketika zaman Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, Tanah Melayu telah menjadi palabuhan entreport yang penting. Rentetan daripada itu, bahasa Melayu telah dijadikan bahasa perhubungan atau lingua franca di Asia Tenggara. Jelaslah di sini bahawa bahasa kebangsaan akan dipandang tinggi jika setiap rakyat berusaha menghargainya.

Tanpa kita sedari, bahasa kebangsaan dapat meningkatkan taraf ekonomi di negara kita. Dalam mendepani arus globalisasi, rakyat di negara kita sedang menggembleng tenaga bagi mencapai kecemerlangan dalam kehidupan. Jika semua kaum dapat menjalankan aktiviti ekonomi dengan menggunakan bahasa kebangsaan sebagai bahasa perantaraan, kita semua dapat bersatu untuk saling melengkapi. Masyarakat Melayu, Cina, dan India sentiasa berbincang dan bertukar fikiran tentang ekonomi dengan menggunakan satu bahasa. Justeru, setiap pihak akan jelas dan dapat merealisasikan matlamat negara kita iaitu untuk mencapai Wawasan 2020 yang berbaki lapan tahun lagi. Kita seharusnya bekerjasama persis peribahasa, ‘berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing’, namun begitu, tidak boleh ada kaum yang ‘bagai enau di dalam belukar, melepaskan pucuk masing-masing’. Percayalah bahawa bahasa kebangsaan mampu dijadikan wadah dalam meningkatkan taraf ekonomi negara Malaysia bagi menuju visi dan matlamat Wawasan 2020.

“Kita satu bangsa, kita satu negara, kita satu matlamat…” Begitulah sedikit bait-bait lirik lagu patriotik yang sering berkumandang di corong-corong radio dan di televisyen. Kesimpulannya, setiap pihak mestilah memainkan peranan penting dalam memartabatkan bahasa kebangsaan di negara kita. Hal ini dapat mendorong kita mencapai matlamat Wawasan 2020 seterusnya melahirkan masyarakat mawaddah dan sakinah. Namun begitu, hal ini hanya mampu direalisasikan sekiranya setiap warganegara Malaysia mencintai dan berusaha menaikkan nama Malaysia di seantero dunia. Jelaslah bahawa bahasa kebangsaan mempunyai kepentingan yang jitu untuk semua kaum di negara ini.
15 Things You Can Do To Improve Your English

  •  Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Be confident. People can only correct your mistakes when  they hear you make them.
  • Surround yourself in English. Put yourself in an all English speaking environment where you can learn passively. The best way to learn is through speaking.
  •  Practise every day. Make yourself a study plan. Decide how much time a week you are going to spend studying and stick to it. Establish a routine.
  •  Tell your family and friends about your study plan. Get them to push you to study and also  don’t let them interrupt you.
  • Practise the 4 core skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. They all need to be worked on for you to improve.
  • Keep a notebook of new words you learn. Use them in sentences and try to say them at least 3 times when you speak.
  • Do a lesson at least once a day.
  • Memorisation of lists is one of the most common ways of learning vocabulary for a test. It’s only a good exercise for short term studying because you often do not retain the information that you have learned for a test.
  •  Use your body clock. If you’re not a morning person, study in the afternoon.
  • You will find words easier to remember if you try to remember an example sentence using that word rather the word on its own.
  •  Plan to take a test. You’ll find that you work harder when you need to study for something.
  • Saying that, it’s better not to study just to take a test. Think of the bigger picture. What can you do when you have a good command of English? How will the quality of your life improve?
  • Give yourself a long term goal. Focus on working towards it.
  • Give yourself short term goals too and reward yourself when you achieve each one.
  • Create an atmosphere in which you want to learn, not because you have to. You’ll learn more when you’re learning because you want to.

Panduan Format & Menulis Surat Rasmi

Berikut adalah panduan serta format cara untuk merangka dan menulis surat rasmi dengan betul. Surat rasmi adalah keadah menulis surat secara nirmla untuk tujuan khusus secara rasmi. Ianya tidak boleh ditulis sesuka hati kerana memerlukan penggunaan format, bahasa dan huruf yang betul.

Format surat rasmi ini adalah standard dan diguna dan diterima pakai oleh semua termasuklah oleh individu, persatuan, syarikat, kerajaan dan sebagainya untuk tujuan-tujuan rasmi seperti berikut:

  • Memohon pekerjaan
  • Membuat aduan
  • Membuat rayuan
  • Meminta derma
  • Membuat jemputan rasmi
  • Menempah barangan
  • Meminta kebenaran
  • Pemberitahuan
  • Sebagainya
Panduan Format Asas Surat Rasmi


Nama Penerima



Menyata tujuan

2. Isi karangan

3. Isi karangan


Yang benar,

Nama Penuh

How to make an animated explainer video

An animated explainer video can help you create high-impact message and engage your audience in ways no other medium can. Here are some tips on how to create an awesome animated explainer video.

Here's A Successful Animated Explainer

Animated explainers or "cartoon explainers" are those cut short video clips you see on company websites that tell you what particular companies do well. Explainer videos are a great tool for enhancing your brand, building audience engagement, and converting prospects into customers.

Top 5 Soft Skills Every University Students Need

Soft skills include the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and the willingness to learn through experience, and are applicable across multiple disciplines and careers. It is important for students to develop soft skills as they prepare for University and as they graduate and enter the workforce. There are five important soft skills University-bound students require.

1. Collaboration: It is imperative for University-bound students to function efficiently and appropriately in groups, collaborate on projects and accept constructive criticism when working with others. People who succeed only when working alone will struggle in University and beyond, as the majority of careers require collaboration.

2. Communication and interpersonal skills: A common complaint among employers is that young people do not know how to effectively carry on a conversation and are unable to do things like ask questions, listen actively and maintain eye contact. Obtaining an internship in a professional setting is also a wonderful method to enhance communication and interpersonal skills.

3. Problem-solving: Students will be faced with a number of unexpected challenges in life and receive little or no aid in overcoming them. They must be able to solve problems in creative ways and to determine solutions to issues with no prescribed formula.Students can improve problem-solving abilities by enrolling in classes that use experiential learning rather than rote memorization.

4. Time management: Whatever structure students may have had in high school to organize their work and complete assignments in a timely manner will be largely absent in University. It is imperative that they be fully self-sufficient in managing their time and prioritizing actions.

5. Leadership: While it is important to be able to function in a group, if is also important to demonstrate leadership skills when necessary. Both in University and within the workforce, the ability to assume the lead when the situation calls for it is a necessity for anyone who hopes to draw upon their knowledge and "hard" skills in a position of influence.

Debate is contention in argument; strife, dissension, quarrelling, controversy; especially a formal discussion of subject before a public assembly or legislature, in Parliament or in any deliberative assembly.

Debate is a method of formally presenting an argument in a structured manner. Through logical consistency, factual accuracy and some degree of emotional appeal to the audience are elements in debating, where one side of prevails over the other party by presenting a superior 'context' and framework of the issue. The outcome of a debate may depend upon consessus or some formal way of reaching a resolution, rather than the objective facts.
Debating is carried out in debating chambers and assemblies of various types to discuss matters and to make resolution about the action to be taken, often by voting. Deliberative bodies such as parliaments, legislative assemblies, and meetings of all sorts engage in debates. in particular, in parliamentary democracies a legislature debates and decides on new laws. Formal debates between candidates for elected office, such as the leaders debates that are sometimes held in democracies.

informal and forum debate is relatively common, shown by TV shows such as the Australian talk show, Q&A, the quality and depth of a debate improves with the knowledge and skills of its participants as debaters.
Taking Notes In Class

1. Before the lecture begins:
  • Make some preparation for the lecture so that you will be more likely to predict the organization of the lecture.
  • Check the course outline to see if the lecture has listed the topic or key ideas in the upcoming lecture. If so, convert this information into questions to be answeed in the lecture.
  • Before the lecture, complete outside reading or reference assignments.
  • review notes from previous lecture.
2. During the lecture:
  • Have your lecture paper and pencil or pen ready
  • Write down the title of the lecture
  • watch the speaker carefully
  • Listen carefully to the introduction. Hear the lecture. By knowing his outline, you will be better prepared to anticipate what notes you will need to take.
  • At the end of the lecture, ask question about points you did not understand.
3. After the lecture:
  • Revise your notes as quickly as possible
  • During the first review period after the lecture, coordinate reading and lecture notes.
  • Review your lecture notes at least once a week.

Faedah belajar secara berkumpulan

Murid mempunyai cara yang tersendiri untuk mengulang kaji pelajaran mereka. Ada yang suka belajar di perpustakaan, di rumah dan juga yang suka belajar secara bersendirian. Antara teknik belajar yang begitu popular dalam kalangan murid-murid sekolah pada masa sekarang ialah belajar dalam kumpulan.

Belajar secara berkumpulan sebenarnya lebih berkesan berbanding dengan belajar secara bersendirian. Hal ini dikatakan kerana apabila belajar dalam kumpulan, idea dan pemikiran dapat dikongsi bersama.

Selain itu, dengan belajar secara berkumpulan, ahli kumpulan tersebut haruslah mempunyai adab dan disiplin yang tinggi. Seperti, yang saya katakan, setiap orang akan mempunyai pandangan yang berlainan.

Kita juga boleh menjalinkan hubungan persahabatan melalui pembelajaran dalam kumpulan.

Tambahan pula, belajar dalam kumpulan juga boleh mengurangkan perbelanjaan. Ini kerana dalam sesebuah kumpulan, kesemua ahli kumplan pasti akan mempunyai buku latihan kepunyaan sendiri yangboleh dikongsi bersama untuk membuat salinan dan mereka tidak perlu bersusah-payah dan membazir duit untuk buku yang sudah dimiliki oleh salah satu ahli kumpulan.

Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi

Dalam meniti arus kemodenan, teknologi maklumatdan komunikasi amat mustahak dalam kalangan masyarakat kini. Terdapat banyak kemajuan dalam teknologi maklumat dan komuikasi, daripada telefon yang besar kepada telefon bimbit yang amat nipis dan banyak kegunaan, daripada mencari maklumat di perpustakaan kepada mendapatkan maklumat dari internet.

Salah satu daripadanya ialah kecanggihan teknologi maklumat pada marcapada ini mampu mempercepatkan kerja kita. Hal ini terbukti apabila majoriti populasi masyarakat di Malaysia kini mencari bahan atau sumber maklumat mereka hanya daripada Internet. Mereka tidak mencari bahan yang mereka perlukan di perpustakaan kerana di situ mereka perlu bersusah payah mencari buku - buku yang mengandungi maklumat yang mereka inginkan di atas rak yang disusuni dengan ribuan buku. Masalah in hanya memakan masa mereka. Sebaliknya, masyarakat modenisasi kini hanya duduk dirumah, di hadapan komputer mereka dan menekan satu klik sahaja demi mendapatkan maklumat yang diperlukan oleh mereka.

  Kemaslahatan seterusnya, teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi pada alaf ini dapat membuatkan kita berhubung dan berkomunikasi dengan orang yang berada jauh daripada kita. Misalnya, seorang anak yang melanjutkan pelajaran di sebuah Universiti yang jauh daripada tempat tinggal mereka boleh melepaskan kerinduan terhadap ibu bapa mereka dengan hanya menefon mereka.

Ciri - ciri pelajar cemerlang

  • Sentiasa yakin pada diri sendiri untuk boleh menempah kejayaan dalam pendidikan.
  • Bersedia memikul tanggungjawab sebagai seorang pelajar yang menjadi harapan agama, bangsa, negara, keluarga dan masyarakat.
  • Memberi tumpuan sepenuhnya kepada pelajaran semasa mengikuti pelajaran guru.
  • Membuat persediaan awal apabila akan menghadapi peperiksaan.
  • Sentiasa bersiap sedia dalam menghadapi sebarang benntuk peperiksaan yang bakal diadakan oleh pihak sekolah atau pihak kemanterian.
  • Menyediakan keperluan peralatan belajar yang mencukupi seperti buku-buku rujukan, buku latihan, alat-alat tulis, nota-nota ringkas dan sebagainya lagi.
  • Menepati waktu belajar yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak sekolah seperti datang ke sekolah dalam waktu yang ditetapkan dan pulang hanya setelah dibenarkan. Ini akan melatih pelajar menjadi seorang yang berdisiplin. Apabila sikap disiplin telah tersemai dalam jiwa pelajar, maka mudahlah bagi pelajar untuk mendisiplinkan diri dalam pembelajaran.


Ramai pelajar jika ditanya mengenai subjek yang paling sukar, jawapannya adalah Mathematik.

Bagaimana caranya untuk mengubah persepsi mereka atau dengan kata lain macam mana nak belajar Mathematik cara mudah? Sebenarnya tak pasti apa jawapan yang paling tepat, tapi apa yang pasti, terdapat pelbagai cara. Antaranya:

  1. Ubah persepsi yang mana menganggap Mathematik itu susah. Persepsi begini timbul apabila kita mendengar luahan kata paransenior terdahulu yang sengaja menakut - nakutkan kita
  2. Sukakan Mathematik. Bina minat dalam subjek ini. Kalau dah suka, memang semua jadi mudah.
  3. Fokus semasa pembelajaran berlaku, kumudian perlu juga untuk faham apa yang dipelajari. Kalau tak faham, jangan tangguh - tangguh, sgera bertanya pada guru untuk penerangan yang lebih jelas. 
  4.  Buat latihan setiap hari sekurang - kurangnya 3 soalan. Bak kata orang, "practice make prerfect".
  5. Ulangkaji selalu. Dah kalau buat soalan stahun sekali, mana nak faham kan? Rajin - rajinkan diri belajar nota, ulang latihan yang sama pun ok. Agak - agak tak faham cepat - cepat la tanya orang yang lebih faham contohnya kawan - kawan atau guru.




Pelbagai penyelidikan telah dibuat untuk membentuk dan menyusun strategi pembelajaran yang lebih berkesan terhadap para pelajar. Pembelajaran secara hafalan memerlukan daya ingatan yang baik, tetapi ianya tidak dapat membentuk insanyang kritis dan kreatif malah ianya tidak sesuai di zaman yang serba maju ini.

Sebagai seorang yang insan, Tuhan telah menghuraikan kepada kita pancaindera yang mempunyai pelbagai fungsi. Pancaindera ini amat peka serta amat responsif terhadap apa - apa rangsangan dengannya.

Mata adalah merupakan salah satu pancaindera yang amat penting bagi seseorang insan. Sebagai contoh, maa yang berfungsi untuk penglihatan akan merangsangkan tindakan seseorang itu apabila ianya meluhat sesuatu yang dapat memberi sesuatu makna kepada dirinya. Seorang kanak - kanak yang masih kecil dan belum mengenal huruf dapat memahami sesuatu keadaan melalui penglihatan dan pemerhatian. Objek yang dilihat melalui mata akan menghasilkan sesuatu mesej melalui interpretasi yang dibuat di bahagian otak.

Mesej yang dihasilkan akan menjadi mudah dan jelas sekiranya kita dapat merangsangkan pancaindera yang ada pada seorang individu itu dengan cepat.


Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dalam dunia pendidikan mendapat dampak yang positif. Dengan berkembangnya Teknologi Informasi, dunia pendidikan mulai memperlihatkan perubahan yang cukup signifikan. Ada perubahan - perubahan cara mengajar yang berkembang dalam dunia pendidikan. Sekarang ini, jarak dan waktu bukanlah sebagai masalah yang berarti untuk transfer ilmu pengetahuan. Banyak software dan aplikasi yang dibuat untuk memfasilitasi dalam transfer pengetahuan ini.

Salah satu media yang sangat berperan untuk menyebarkan informasi pendidikan terbaru dalam dunia pendidikan adalah internet. Hal ini akan membuat setiap pengajar dapat mengikuti perkembangan atau informasi terbaru, keberadaan internet juga memberikan dampak kemajuan di dunia pendidikan.

Seorang yang berkecimpung di dunia pendidikan seharusnya melakukan inovasi dan pembaharuan. Inovasi diperlukan bukan hanya untuk kepentingan siswa, sehingga para siswa merasa senang depan pelajaran yang mereka ikuti, namun juga untuk para pengajar, sehingga para pengajar bisa menambah pengetahuan untuk lebih mematangkan pengalaman, juga meringankan dalam pengaaran.
Tips dan Trik Cara Belajar Yang Baik

1. belajar Berkelompok

Bosan belajar sendirian? Cuba belajar secara kelompok. Belajar kelompok merupakan salah satu belajar yang baik dan efektif. Dengan belajar kelompok kegiatan belajar akan menjadi sangat menyenangkan kerana ada temannya. belajar secara kelompok sebaiknya mengajak teman yang pandai dan rajin belajar agar biasa termotivasi dan ketularan pintar.

2. Cuba Rajin Membuat Catatan

Setiap bab pelajaran selalu ada bahagian-bahagian yang penting. Nah bahagian yang penting ini sebaiknya dibuat catatan di buku tersendiri. Cara belajar yang baik dengan merangkum bahan atau material pelajaran juga sangat berguna saat menghadapi ujian.

3. Selalu Disiplin dan Tekun dalam Belajar

Yang penting di sini adalah kualiti beljarnya. Walauun hanya 1 - 2 jam sehari tapi kalau di lakukan setiap hari pasti akan lebih baik dari pada belajar dalam waktu yang sangat lama pada waktu tertentu sahaja.

4. Bertanya kalau Tak Faham

Biasanya saat guru selesai membahas satu matapelajaran akan bertanya pada murid muridnya. Adakah sudah jelas? Jangan ragu atau takut untuk bertanya kalau memang kurang faham atau kurang merngerti.

About Myself

Hi guys. My name is Theventher a/l Sundararaji. I’m 19 years old and I live in Bagan Serai, Perak. I have 3 sisters and one brother. I’m a University student.  My father name is Sundararaji a/l Thanjan and he works as a Technician. My mother name is Susila a/p Kristnan and she works as a Teacher.
            My ambition is to be an accountant. My status is single. My favourite colour is red. I always talk to others very happily and with smiling face. I have two best friends and normally I go play badminton with them. My dream is study well, and must get job as accountant. I must achieve my dream because I wanna my parents to be proud of me. Then, I wanna take care my parents well later in future. I love everything associated in this Malaysia country.
            I’m a person who is positively thinking guy. There are many things I like to do, to see, and to experience. I like to jog, I like to read, I like to wash cars at home, I like to spending time with friends, I like to listen music, I like to talk with my family members, I like to drive car, I like to travel, I like to see moonlight, I like flowers, I like to revision books and read novels, I like to sleep early, I like to be surrounded by my friends and family members, I like to drink milo, and I like to laugh, I like to eat delicious food I like to watch Tamil movies, I like to see nature and so on.